
  • Affiliation No.1030410



Sophia Convent Senior Secondary School, inaugurated on l 6th July 2002. Sophia Convent School, is a Christian School established by Khandwa Diocesan Education Society, Khandwa. It is a registered under the M.P. Societies Registration Act 1973. Its office is in Bishop’s House, Khandwa. The School is administered by the Catholic Religious Sisters belonging to the Congregation of “The Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore’’, founded by the Servant of God, R.F.C. Mascarenhas on 16th July 1921. The Congregation runs a world- wide network of academic and charitable institutions. The purpose of this institution is to impart quality education and prepare the children to commit themselves to the people of our country and be formed as patriotic citizens. This institution takes pride in contributing its share in the country’s educational undertaking and its welfare. The School has been recognized by the Directorate of Education and is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education.

Sophia Convent Senior Secondary School would like to see her students imbued with a sense of LOVE and CONCERN for the WEAK, the UNDERPRIVILEGED, the MARGINALIZED and the VOICELESS. In the same Mission, Sophia expects the parents of her to contribute their share in achieving this goal as partners. The students will be exposed to social and cultural realities in our own city and beyond.

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